Photographer, Bookseller, Naturalist

Seville Archeological Museum

Seville Archeological Museum - 6a IMG_8471-1


Introduction to the Gallery: Seville Archeological Museum

This relatively small museum contains the important artifacts found during excavations at the nearby Roman city of Itálica.  Itálica was the birthplace of the emperors Trajan and his adopted ‘son’ and heir Hadrian.  During my visit in December of 2017 there was a special exhibition: Adriano Metamorfosis Exposición del 29 de Noviembre 2017 al 8 de Abril 2018. Many of the objects were on loan from other museums in Spain, but most of the important ones came from Itálica. Perhaps some viewers will recognize, as I did, that this collection – and perhaps ancient Itálica itself, represented something of a special repository of homosexual male art.